After swinging loads of comments around on the GenCon Oz site and the Forge it seems that there are at least 5 people (myself included) who are ready, willing and able to run some indie games at GenCon next year. I think I'm the only local in the crowd at the moment. Thanks to the rest of the tentative volunteers. If you want to find out more, leave a comment and I'll point you in the right direction.
I'm also waiting for a response from Brennan Taylor of Indie Press Revolution about how to manifest the Indie Press Gang there. The Indie Press Gang is a group of volunteers who help promote indie games at cons and other gaming events. Not only do we get the privilege of teaching folks some cool new games, but apparently we also apparently get a free t-shirt. Ooh! Anyway, if you're interested in helping out, let me know.
Indie gamers of the world, unite!